
Upcoming Events

About RPI Events

The RPI regularly hosts events in London and Oxford with presentations by distinguished speakers on a range of regulatory and competition policy issues.

Our flagship events are two annual conferences, held in the spring and the autumn, and the Hertford Seminars in Regulation, held throughout the year.

Hertford Seminars provide an opportunity for expert, lively, and informal discussion of major public policy issues, both during the seminar itself, and, typically, over food and drink afterwards, for those who are able to stay on to continue the conversation. Numbers are restricted to encourage interchanges under the Chatham House Rule. The mix of attendees typically reflects the diversity of RPI members and supporters in government, business, the professions, and academia.

Our two annual conferences are the Westminster Conference, a one day conference of particular interest to policy makers, regulators, and the regulated industries, held each spring, and our Competition and Regulation Policy Conference held in Oxford over two days in September, and including the Zeeman Lecture and our Distinguished Fellows Dinner.

Attendance at our conferences is open to all, while our seminar series is generally by invitation only, with priority given to RPI Members. If you would like to enquire about any of these events, or be added to our invitation list, please contact us: 

Past Events