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Airport Enterprises: An Economic Analysis

The Institute is delighted to announce our first foray into book publishing with ‘Airport Enterprises: An Economic Analysis’ written by David Starkie. ‘Airport Enterprises: An Economic Analysis’ frames the airport firm as a business platform for a broad spectrum of commercial activities, some of which enjoy the characteristics of two-sided markets. This is in contrast to the usual application of welfare economics as an analytical lens for airports, a lens which is argued to be inappropriate for an industry with an international customer base. Also challenged is the consensus that airports are natural monopolies; cost functions are not necessarily sub-additive, additional capacity is added mostly in small increments, and new entry feasible as a result of product diversification or negotiating parties striking long term pricing contracts. Finally, a number of questions are raised about current public policy, the standard interpretation of economic rents at congested airports, and existing plans for adding capacity at London Heathrow airport.

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The changing role of independent economic regulators in decision-making for major infrastructure projects in the UK

The RPI Research Group is currently developing a programme of work to explore the evolution of decision-making processes for major infrastructure projects. It will investigate the role and effectiveness of independent regulators in this process, identifying the conflicts and ambiguities that have emerged from increasing tensions between the traditional role of an independent regulator and the emerging strategic priorities of government. The programme seeks to draw conclusions about the impacts that these tensions have had on accountability, forecasting in the context of uncertainty, adaptation to changes in technology, and incentivisation of investment; asking if a new decision-making paradigm which reconciles the often conflicting priorities of government and independent regulator, while capturing the long-term nature of such investments, is required.

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New Programme of Work

The RPI Research Group is currently in the process developing a programme of work under the general thematic heading “Rethinking Regulation”, which is also the theme for the RPI’s events activities as countries gradually emerge from the Covid period. This reflects a view that institutional arrangements for, and associated policies toward, the regulation of commercial activity would benefit from rather fundamental reviews in the light of changing economic contexts triggered by factors such as Covid, climate change issues, and, in the specific cases of the UK and EU, Brexit. The research programme is being developed in cooperation with the RPI’s sister network, the Regulatory Policy Institute of Australia and New Zealand. To get involved, please see further on the ‘About’ page and fill in the Enquiries form below.

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Regulation to Promote the Optimal Integration of Variable Renewable Energy

The RPI Research Group is currently in the process of developing a programme of work which explores how regulation in conjunction with policy might promote the integration of variable renewable energy technologies into the electricity system in a lowest cost manner. This research programme is being developed with input from experts in Energy Systems and Policy at UCL Bartlett , Energy System Catapult and the Investec Power & Utilities Research Team. To get involved, please see further on the ‘About’ page and fill in the Enquiries form below.

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Public Institutional Approaches to Renewable Energy Innovation

The RPI Research Group is currently in the process of developing a programme of work which explores the most effective approaches to public institutional initiative in support of renewable energy innovation. To get involved, please see further on the ‘About’ page and fill in the Enquiries form below.

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